
Looking for a great broker? Here's what Robert James Inc does best.


Selling properties is the lifeblood of any marketplace. A market that doesn't have inventory to sell is not a market at all.  We manage all aspects of a transaction.  Valuation, marketing, prospect management, negotiating and bringing the deal to a final closing.  We do it for Buyer's & Seller's.


New construction provides the true growth every market needs. With tight existing inventories we have seen millions of square feet be developed.  We can help you plan and execute your new development big or small.  Let us find the right builder and help get you financed. 


For many companies leasing is a way to keep their money invested in their operations and not tied up in real property. We do more leasing than any other part of our business. If you need a building to lease we will find one for you. If you have a building and need a tenant we do that all the time.


Everyone needs to consult a professional from time to time and with real estate that has never been more true. We do consulting on valuations - rezoning - transaction management - financing and any other real estate need.  You can even hire us to manage and close a deal you have already negotiated.


Nearly 50% of all industrial buildings in Elkhart County are investor owned. Keeping these buildings full and producing income is of vital importance. Vacancy is the #1 killer of cash flow.  Real Estate investment is a great way to build long term wealth and cash flow at the same time!


Fixing up a facility is a great way to make it just like your business needs it to be without  building new.  It saves time and money.  Rehabilitation is also a great strategy for buying and flipping real estate.  Found a clunker and want to know what it's future potential is? Give us a call.